"Thinking I was catching the absolute beginning of a thunderstorm, I pulled out my old Sony Mavica to snap a picture. I was going to send it to the weatherman on a local network affiliate, who likes to show pictures of strange weather patterns during his segment. So I took the picture, and waited for a couple of seconds for the thumbnail to appear (the camera is an old model that saves its images to a 3.5" floppy disk. The screen goes black when the picture is taken and I have to wait to see the image).
"I nearly dropped the camera when I saw the thumbnail image on my Mavica's screen. There in the middle of the clear space was a saucer-shaped vehicle. I know I didn't see the saucer with my naked eyes, nor did it appear on the screen when I framed the shot. Yet there it was, captured on disk! It seemed to be pushing the high clouds apart, but the new 'storm' cloud was forming right beneath it. Soon afterwards, that same cloud became a powerful storm that sent flash floods through the southern canyons and desert. Could this picture be proof that extraterrestrials are manipulating our weather?
"[Truth: The clouds in the picture are all that are real. It was a new thunderstorm brewing, and thunderstorms always send flashfloods through the canyons and deserts out here, so there is no great stretching of truth in that regard. The rest? Well... 3-D modeling and Photoshop can work wonders.]"
Thats crazy