Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The realtime of news

Getting news has never been faster. I came across this site during my search though the web i came across this site, they say its real time and truly the content was real time

"Arfick is aimed at providing content on web in real time and a real time search engine. Unlike traditional media/Search where user miss valuable or get delayed information published by websites content discovery on arfick will be quicker. Ranks of search results will be given by a combination of algorithms including social graph and other page rank algorithms. The alpha version shows more on realtime data. Arfick will includes content from blogs, websites, social sites, bookmarking sites and microblogging sites like twitter. The web content is provided in different categories such as news, videos, books, wiki, entertainment, sports, politics, people, technology, business, travel, environment, science, weather, health and world."

That the description of the site and here are some of the links i liked from the site
from twitter videos

will cover more when i get it

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